Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Stray dogs.

Stray origins
Murky skins
Shivering stomachs
And hidden traversals
They united us
Stray dogs
Irregular lives

Up and down, arrows we are
To their eyes, withdrawn from heavens
Heaps and bubbles, they celebrate
Twist in our skull, toast of our tongue
They keep our distance, intact
What bought us together?

Swift on my eyes, they whispered
Odd and howling, we grouped
None of them huge enough
For a wild ripening wound
Still I was paining for a palette
Which could fill up their throat

Now we are better in shape
Our shadows too
Their stones reach us
More harmful are the eyes
Toned down islands
Yes, we are, up and down arrows

Near the poles
Their lies our land
Larger the oceans
Lightened snows
Pale edge of colors
All we know
Yet we are amused
When they transport
Our soul and searches
In the value of blood
Made of dirt and darkness

When their day ends
They need us for secrets
When their night ends
They need us for burials
One for the master
One for the slave
And rest all for peace

Monday, February 20, 2012

Walking with Shadows ...

A ring fell round
Pairing at corners
With age old silence
Ugly faced flies
They showed their pittance
They had their own stories

Speedy thoughts
Fiery fists
All mere shadows
Sprinting around
An oil well
Casted nice and new

Stage was set
Knife was young
Flesh was sweet
Yet tree was uprooted
Rocks were greyed out
None complained

Curtain raisers
They know the pain
Of hiding lies
In between tea leaves
Corns took thorns
Of flowery lives
In off-season transits

Grills and fire
They filled our hunger
Hunting dogs
They were sold
As per the predictions

Left or right
The pulse of machines
They were better
In their heartless holes
And we plugged in thereby

Awkward spells
Autumn waves
They shared a mystery
And it whispered
In everyother wreakage
Why should we cast an Iron bridge ...!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Horrible Designs!!

A piece of darkness
It boiled throughout the gaze

A sense of belonging
It shattered those caves

A primal desire
It wrinkled my spans

A thirsty crossword
It closed my verses

A sunken eyelid
It bid me goodbye

Over and above these
I pinned my red skin wallets

Echoes of elevators
I hate those horrible designs

Yet, like those swollen dishes
I ate myself half and hearty

Monday, February 13, 2012

A March of Widows ...

All at dismay
That it has begun
Between nights
A rip of flesh
It could have thwarted

And a sucking child
It is nothing like
A pile of errors
And mountain of myths

A headscarf long
Tied and untied
Her eyes twinkled
It could not bake
The naked winds

A wast mirror
In a dried out river
Pitching rain
But no seeds of heart

Washed out weather
Welcomes widows
And marches along
An echo of youth

Stay as long as you can
But leave a leg burning for me!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Carpet Snakes!

A hit by hiss
A miss by lips
Dipped in wed blood
Left they, themselves
Crawling for cages
Towering tongues
Our cells, their cells
Began selling names

Lame by the times
Misled in trenches
Buried we, our verses
Blame it on the misery
Full moon on the hinges
The carry weight of worms
They keep vomiting light
Unknown of their births

In mild mistakes
They saw each other
Coiled and ripped
Day and night
Their might
It was eaten, and
Frozen by velvets

Not sure, why poison
An empty throat
As we fade
In fingers

Sunday, February 5, 2012

When we were alone ...

Waiting so long
We came home
In a humid, so heartburn
City of towers and toilers

Plane old faces
New and newer wrinkles
Carved out lies
They stood out white
In my lips, and latent stripes
Chances were gods
Odd mine are gone
Still and again I saw
A thousand many rocks
Least of all, pity those rats
In my hide-outs
Their hunger and my sweat
They are too old
For a knife to sniff
Must I wait a chilling chest

Night so long
When we were gone
They were just steps
A tilt of walls
Came in between
Never said anything
Must we leave
When songs do fade
And I knew she was a folk
So long , so slow
Narrow, and deep
And now it lasts in my breathe
A shade of sorrow and mist
As if we were alone
Just for a slip of tongue

A must for hunters

They believe in childhood
And they boast of innocence
And bring home hatred in half conscience
And draw parallels in red wild orchids

But now they embrace a random wind
Which is heading north of a broken pearl
Which seldom dreams and dives past prime

Can we prey in private talks?
Can we do a deep work of courage?
Can we exist in other half of others ?

They are now memories
They have now been watered down
They are so kind stars to the streets

A round of steps to a hidden home
A rack of bones to a broken self
A rare earth smile to a wretched heart
All that we know is a stealth of hope